
Hello there!
My name is Jonas and I am an experienced XR developer and aerospace engineer by education!
Originally I studied Electrical and Information Engineering but switched to Aerospace Engineering after a few years. By now I hold a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from the Brunel University in London (UK) and am pursuing a PhD in Human Robot Interaction alongside working as a Robotic Solution developer.

Previously I worked for Inholland Composites Delft and the Delft University of Technology and focussed on studying the usage of Mixed Reality headsets within the Operator 4.0 concept. During this period I contributed to multiple Journals and Conferences and established myself as an Expert in interactive, intuitive data visualization techniques using Augmented and Virtual Reality as well as physical hardware.

Now I work as a freelancer to gain more experience and escape the classic research trap of only looking at a single topic exclusively. I am always open to new ideas and challenges as “funky” as these may be! You have something in mind? Great! Let’s a have a chat then!